Grim Truth
© 2012 Jeffrey E. McCaskill. All Rights Reserved.
The only truth he knows
He courts between two fingers
A romance, swift and silent
Before a blue-nailed strike
Erupts across the night
And sends her forth.
Deeply, religiously,
He draws her in
Past the vanity of wind-swept teeth
Down the meaty maw
Where dreams and lies collude.
In his struggle to contain her
He endures,
Until bulging,
She is loosed upon the moonlight
In a silky, coiled ascent.
Somewhere below
A flimsy, vapid grin betrays his ignorance
That she has stolen more
Ever more than she arrived with
Leaving nothing in her wake
Save the lingering, sweet perfume
Of wanton death.
The only truth he knows
He courts between two fingers
A romance, swift and silent
Before a blue-nailed strike
Erupts across the night
And sends her forth.
Deeply, religiously,
He draws her in
Past the vanity of wind-swept teeth
Down the meaty maw
Where dreams and lies collude.
In his struggle to contain her
He endures,
Until bulging,
She is loosed upon the moonlight
In a silky, coiled ascent.
Somewhere below
A flimsy, vapid grin betrays his ignorance
That she has stolen more
Ever more than she arrived with
Leaving nothing in her wake
Save the lingering, sweet perfume
Of wanton death.